Beautiful watercolor lemon and blossoms theme – hand painted lemons and blossoms adorn the front while pale yellow and leaf green watercolor brush stroke stripes are featured on the back – hand written calligraphy paired with a clean non serif font for a modern rustic appeal. Design by ©WhimsicalArtwork™ for JustCards™.
Tag: bridal shower by mail
Virtual Bridal Showers
When you need to stay quarantined and have your bridal shower, there IS a way to do it.. and we have the invitations! Here’s to the Bride-to-Be and raise your glass with your very own favorite Quarentini recipe.
Rose Pink Virtual Bridal Shower Quarantini Invitation
Drive Thru Bridal or Baby Shower
‘Drive By’ or ‘Drive Thru’ Showers are the New Trend as well as Virtual Showers and Showers by Mail
(thanks to coronavirus)
In this era of social distancing we are still in the need for baby and bridal showers for that special lady – so with ingenious thought and planning why not have a drive thru or drive by bridal or baby shower?
Drive by (drive thru) shower invites
Of Course you Can.
Do we send invitations? Sure, Why not? This certainly gives more a feel for a party when you have sent out actual invitations and you can use a theme for your event easily too. Make it clear on the invitations that this will be a drive-by (or drive thru) shower, so there is no confusion. Make sure to put all details on the invitation : where to meet for the parade line up, give your drive by a set time but allow for folks to arrive in their cars (did you want to allow time for decorating them as well ?) make sure to add who will be the lead car and what to look for (ie: the white mustang with the red top), also add where to drop off any gifts that are brought for the event, Usually a specific place at the home, driveway or lawn. TIP: try to keep your parade time to an hour or less depending on how many guests you have – allow for time for each guest to stop in front of the lucky lady’s home and yell a few kind words of joy – take some pictures and leave a gift so the next car waiting at a safe distance can do the same. Having a call in rsvp would be a good idea for planning the time frame.
With the coronavirus crisis putting social distancing and shelter in place orders around the country, many expectant parents and brides to be have had to cancel their intimate guest in person baby and bridal showers. However, in this new decade, a new trend has emerged: Drive by baby showers and drive by bridal showers, also known as drive thru baby/bridal showers, or baby shower/ bridal shower parades. So how do you plan a drive by baby shower and how does it work?
For the Bride-to-Be

Surprise Drive Through Bridal Shower Parade Invitation
For the Mommy to Be
Do we decorate?
Well Sure, why not?
If you live in the city make sure you follow laws, suburbs is a little easier, but again make sure you have permission from any homeowners associations and make sure to check with your neighbors. Maybe ask if, for a bit, you can hook up a speaker to play music. A rural set up is most likely the easiest as there are less neighbors to bother BUT please be aware of local livestock, (they get nervous too when horns honk and loud music is played). You can also consider encouraging your guests to decorate their vehicles with their own party favors such as signs, balloons, or other shower goodies to enjoy from a distance.
Keeping It Forever
You can also plan for someone to video the entire event from different perspectives for a keepsake of a very unique shower for years to come. Are your ‘guests” going to wear costumes or special attire ? Are the cars all decorated? Are there special signs and songs ? You will want to keep all of this and if in the future you wish to have another guest in party. what a lovely way to entertain by showing the clips of who did what during your drive thru shower.
Showers by Mail
Have your guests send gifts and cards ahead of the shower date, then plan a virtual online shower for opening – If you have to change your bridal shower plans due to unforeseen circumstances (such as a pandemic for instance ) – Shower by Mail invitations followed by a virtual shower could be the perfect answer for sharing your special day with your loved ones.
You might want to follow up the parade with a virtual event and a few special close friends or family to share the day’s highlights and take time for gift opening too. Your immediate family there might choose to have lunch and cake then send a Zoom invitations to those attendees for your virtual party, opening their presents and thanking them personally.